Our Vision

Africa full of hope, flooded with disciples of Jesus living God’s perfect vision

What We Do


Mercy Ministry Fund

Helping to fund the mercy ministry efforts through which a Discipleship Team (DTs) gains access to a receptive family, group or area with the goal of finding people of peace and discipling them in love.


Travel Fund

Helping to fund travel expenses of a Discipleship Team in getting to and from a receptive area to which it has been called and sent by the Lord of the harvest, as well as the necessities needed during the early part of the mission prior to a Person of Peace (POP) being found.


Family Support

Helping to support needy, dependent families of disciples who are called to go away for a season on a disciple making mission.


Training Center

Helping to set up and fund the operations of regional Discipleship Training Centers (DTCs) which cannot amply fund themselves.


Prayer Warriors

Helping to link DTs and DTCs with prayer warriors who will devote themselves to praying with and for the disciples during their mission.


A Discipleship Team (DT) is two or more individuals who have been trained in NT Discipleship and, after praying to the Lord of the harvest, is convinced that they should go into a specific harvest area for a season following Jesus’ Luke 10 strategy.

A Person of Peace (PoP) is an adult who is willing to host the DT while beginning to become a disciple of Jesus

A Disciple Training Cente (DTC) is a centre for training disciples using existing homes and church buildings and led by a trained disciple making leader.

Join our mission. Volunteer, Donate, Advocate. Get Started Today.

Call Anytime: +27 83 267 1880

Gideon van der Merwe gideon.vandermerwe@disciplesgo.co.za